Vital Signs Monitoring

Vital Signs Monitoring

Vital Signs Monitoring

**(Must be 24hrs minimum post surgery)
✓ Blood pressure
✓ Pulse
✓ Temperature
✓ Oxygen Saturation
✓ Respirations


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If booking Dream Nurse packages you must be accompanied by an 18 year or older capable adult that can assist you after nursing services are rendered. If you are coming alone you must book an appropriate package that services you for the first 24 hours post surgery. If this policy is not adhered to Dream Dollz Services have the right to deny services and your deposit will be forfeited.

Office Hours for all inquiries:
Monday - Friday 9am to 7pm | Saturday 9am to 1pm | Closed Sunday

**Please note days in red means that those days are booked and you will be moved to the next available day and time!

Day not available?

Use our waiting list.

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Office Hours for all inquiries:
Monday - Friday 9am to 7pm | Saturday 9am to 1pm | Closed Sunday

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